This services covers a wide range of areas such as Training on Health , First and Emergency, Disaster Management e.t.c, offered mostly by our sub agency, BRIGHT INSTITUTE OF HEALTHCARE an internationally licensed and accredited training agencies offering various health related trainings, with accreditation from international agencies such as , CPD, (United Kingdom), National Healthcare Provider Solution (NHCPS) (United Kingdom), National Association of Healthcare (NAOH) (United State), African Society Of Health Care Practitioner ( ASHP) Nigeria, Healthcare Federation of Nigeria e.t.c to mention but a few.
Our Medical procurement deals with supply of sophisticated and the state of the art medical facilities for Hospitals and Clinic, Healthcare agencies, Laboratories and other medical or scientific related agencies with suppliers within the African and Asian bothers, Such as China and India. Our Body Checkup Services and Quantum body analyzers conduct a general checkup with detailed result on every system in the body helping patient have a comprehensive understanding of their body level and helping them in the treatment as well. With Our Partnership with KEDI HEALTHCARE NIGERIA LTD., we provide possible supplement and treatment that combat diseases in the body from, anti viral, to antibiotics, cancerous, infertility as well as malaria and a wide range of healthy product given at the right prescription and usage for effective result.